Perpustakaan Pojok Seni
Perpustakaan Pojok Seni
Unduh buku referensi teater untuk pembelajaran teater, dramaturgi, dan sebagainya baik tingkat dasar, hingga tingkat lanjut di pranala berikut ini. Klik pada Judul untuk mengunduh
Download theater reference books for learning theater, dramaturgy, and so on, from basic to advanced levels in the following link. Click on Title to download
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- Actor Training (Second Edition) - Alison Hodge
- Asian Theatre Journal
- The drama of ideas. Platonic Provocations in Theater and Philosophy - Martin Pucher
- Machbet Tragedy- William Shakespeare
- Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Event dan Festival - Rob Harris and Johnny Allen.
- Teater for Development and Education (a Hand book) - Egbert Wits
- Lokakarya Stage Management - Toto Arto dan Inet Leimena
- History of European Drama and Theater - Erika Fischer-Lichte
- Materi Dasar Teater
- Sal Pitruzzela - Introduction to Dramatherapy - Person and Threshold (2004)
- Musical Dramaturgy
- Devising Dramaturgy - Henry Meghan
- Dramaturgy as Mentoring (2003)
- Hans-Thies Lehman - Post Dramatic Theatre (2006)
- Jean Alter - A Sociosemiotic Theory of Theatre (1990)
- Kim Solga - Theatre and Feminism
- Lenard R Berlanstein - Daughter of Eve ( A Cultural History of French Theater Women from the Old Refime to The Fin de Siecle (2001)
- Lisbeth Goodman, Jane de Gay -Languages of Theatre Shaped by Women (2001)
- Meisner for Teens
- Naskah drama Sampek Ektay
- Practical Dramaturgy for Actor (2014) Rodley Oregon
- Shomit Mitter - System Rehearsal of Stanislavsky, Brecht, Grotovsky, and Peter Brook (1992)
- Wahyu Sihombing - Diktat Penyutradraan
- Walsh Bowers (2006)
- Sarah Grochala - The Contemporary Political Play - Rethinking Dramaturgical
- Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies - Kris Salata - The Unwritten Grotwsky
- (Studies in Dance History) Nadine George Graves- Urban Bush Women_Twenty Years of African Theatre
- (Suny Series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture) Teresa Cajiao Salas-Margarita Vargas - Woman Writing Women an Anthology of Spanisch American Theatre of the 1980s
- Focus on Dramaturgy , Scanlan Robert - Principle of Dramaturgy (Taylor and Francis-Routledge)
- Daniela Cavallaro (auth) - Educational Theatre for Women in Post-World War II Italy-A Stage of their own
- Nicola Abram - Black British Women's Theatre - Intersectionality, Archives, Aesthetics
- Bachtin, Michail M - Jerzy Grotwsky, Meyerhold, Stanislavsky
- Dan Dietz - The Complete Book of 1950s Broadway Musicals
- Dan Dietz, The Complete Book of 1970s Broadway Musicals
- Devising Dramaturgy - Henry Meghan
- Dramaturgy and Architecture - Theatre, Utopia and the Built Environtment 2015
- Dramaturgy and Performance 2008
- Dramaturgy as mentoring
- Erving Goffman - The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
- Eugene Webb - The Plays of Samuel Beckett
- Gendered Terrain in Contemporary Theatre of War by Women
- Lisbeth Goodman, Jane de Gay - Languages of Theatre Shaped by Women
- Marian F Monta, Jack R Stanley - Directing for Stage and Screen
- New Dramaturgy - International Perspectives on Theory and Practices 2014
- On Directing and Dramaturgy by Eugenio Barba
- Practical Dramaturgy for Actor 2014
- The Definitive Guide to an Unpredictable Carrer in Comedy - Randazzo
- Richard Schecner - Performance Theory (1988)
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- Richard Schecner - Performed Imaginaries
- The Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy (2015)
- Uber Dramaturgie on Dramaturgy A Propos de Dramaturgie
- Ewstern Theatre in Global Context - Directing and Teaching Culturally Inclusive Drama Around the World (2020)
- (Adaption in Theatre and Performance) Melissa Poll - Robert Lepage's Scenographic Dramaturgy
- (Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre) Mary Luckhurts - Dramaturgy A Revolution in Theatre
- (Cognitive Studies in Literature and Performance) Teemu Paavolainen (Auth) - Theater Ecology Cognition Theorizing Perfomer Object Interaction in Grotowsky, Kantor and Meyerhold
- (Interactionist Currents) Charles Edgley - The Drama of Social Life - A Dramaturgical Handbook
- (Theatre Arts) Jerzy Grotowsky - Towards a Poor Theater
- (Theatre & History of Literature) Jean Francois Lyotard, G Benington, B Massumi - The Postmodern Condition, A Report on Knowledge
- Shipley, Gary J. Pawlett, William (FRW) - Stratagem of the Corpse Dying With Baudrillard, a Study of Sickness and Simulacra (2020, Lightning Source Inc)
- Philip K. Dick - The simulacra (1964, Vintage Books)
- Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation (1994, University of Michigan Press)
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- 03 Scenography as process in British devised and postdramatic theatre (2009 PDFDrive )
- [The Arden Shakespeare Handbooks] Lukas Erne - The Arden Research Handbook of Shakespeare and Textual Studies (2021, Bloomsbury Academic)
- [Women, Theatre and Performance] Janice Norwood - Victorian Touring Actresses_ Crossing boundaries and negotiating the cultural landscape (2020, Manchester University Press)
- In time with the music: the concept of entrainment and its significance for ethnomusicology. Clayton, Martin; Sager, Rebecca and Will, Udo (2005).
- Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer., Dialectic of Enlightment, (1972)
- Theodor W. Adorno., Aesthetic Theory (1997)
- Philosophy of Art: A contemporary Introduction (N. Carroll)
- Interview with Ionesco (Richard Schechner)
- Albert Camus in the 21st Century
- Notes in My Theatre (Eugene Ionesco)
- Creativity in Theatre_Theory and Action in Theatre
- Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema (Laura Mulvey)
- The Death of Author (Roland Barthes)
- What Is an Author (M. Foucault)
- Hubungan Estetik Seni dengan Realitas (N.G. Chernyshevsky)
- Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations
- Susan Cain - Bitter Sweet
- Filsafat Fenomenologi Suatu Pengantar - Maraimbang Daulay
- Albert Camus - Krisis Kebebasan
- Introduction to Critical Thinking
- Roland Barthes - The Semiotic of Challenge
- MA Jaspan - Material for a Rejang - Indonesian - English Dictionary
- Prof P.J Veth - Midden-Sumatera (Reizen En OnderZoekingen Der Sumatera-Expeditie 1877-1879) Derde Deel Volksberschrijving En Taal
- Prof. P.J. Veth - Midden-Sumatera (Reizen En OnderZoekingen Der Sumatera-Expeditie 1877-1879) Eerste Deel Reisverhaal
- Prof. P.J. Veth - Midden-Sumatera (Reizen En OnderZoekingen Der Sumatera-Expeditie 1877-1879) Volksberschrijving En Taal (versi gambar)
- Semantics by Jhon I. Saeed
- Dave Collins - The Act of Musical Composition (Studies in the Creative Process)
- Hannah B. Harvey - The Art of Storytelling (From Parents to Professional)
- Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus
- Nietzche - All Too Human
(Buku Pegangan Guru untuk Mengajar Teater di Sekolah)
- Mari Bermain Drama Kebahagiaan Sejati (Panduan praktis untuk Menjadi Aktor dan Aktris)
- Drama, Teori dan Praktik Pementasan (Dr Suroso, M.Pd)
- Modul Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan
- Pengetahuan Teater 1 (Sejarah dan Unsur Teater) Kelas X Semester 1 (Eko Santosa)
- Modul Konsep Dasar Drama (B. Rahmanto)
- Seni Drama (Rohana & Nur Indah)
- Panduan Guru Seni Teater untuk Kelas X SMA/SMK/MA Sederajat - E. Sumadiningrat & Sobar Budiman
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- The Life of Muhammad Al-Waqidi's Kitab al-Maghazi oleh Umar al Waqidi translate by Rizwi Faizer.