Lucien Sunmoon Unveil Unrequited Love Through “Reminisce” -->
Pojok Seni
25 May 2024, 5/25/2024 08:00:00 AM WIB
Terbaru 2024-05-25T01:00:00Z

Lucien Sunmoon Unveil Unrequited Love Through “Reminisce”


Pojok Seni - It took roughly 6 months for Lucien Sunmoon after debuting, to release their sophomore single called “Reminisce”. The newcomer that is comprised of Kanaya Firsti Gusavin (vocal), Natanael Rudy Hadinata (guitar), Yessy Aulia Zahra (guitar), Mundir Setiawan (bass), Nasywana Rahmaniyah (keyboard), and Lyranti Revalina Kusuma (drums) serves dreamy pop tune which also bears influences from alternative pop and post punk on “Reminisce”. 

The composer, Yessy Aulia Zahra, chronicled her personal experience of an unrequited love of 6 years through lyrics that span in a 4 minute and 12 second song. Assisted by Danang Seloaji of Girl and Her Bad Mood in its songwriting process, Yessy elaborated her hurting heart when the guy she adored belonged to someone else. Containing a heart wrenching tale, the song surprisingly feels uplifting due to its upbeat melodies, rapid drum beats, and heavy reverb sound. 

In between their personal endeavors in which members are currently going through high school and college phases, Lucien Sunmoon managed to finish the recording process in just 4 hours at Haum Studio. While the mixing and mastering process took 2 months at the same studio, the band also got a little hand from Rafif Taufani from Yellow Flower Living Water to create their single artwork. The combination of violet and pink dominates “Reminisce” artwork that represent youth and budding love. 

Debuting back in 2023, gave the band a lot of experience and feedback, as they became more well prepared to release their second single. The band whose sound is mostly influenced by GAHBM, Grrrl Gang, up to Closure, said that the recording process became more challenging as they had to fill in the reverb and chorus part of the song. Alas, they succeeded in finishing it just in time. 

Without going overboard, Lucien Sunmoon realistically said that they have recorded 4 materials in total with the hope of releasing it in an EP form soon. “We also wish to tour in various cities like Surabaya, Jogja, Bandung, Jakarta, and many more to meet and gather network with a lot more listeners and fellow musicians,” the band stated. 

These youngsters hailing from Malang also have a dream to perform upon renowned music festivals just like their senior musicians. To make their dreams come true, Lucien Sunmoon hoped that their songs, especially the newest track “Reminisce, could be enjoyed by music enthusiasts anywhere in the archipelago as it can be listened to through various digital streaming platforms on May 17th, 2024. 
