Tetrical Show : Oddisey 2015 by SBMITB -->
Senin 17/03/2025
05 March 2015, 3/05/2015 01:48:00 AM WIB
Terbaru 2015-03-04T18:48:38Z

Tetrical Show : Oddisey 2015 by SBMITB

School of Business and Management ITB (SBMITB) Bandung Proudly Present

Oddisey Amortacus 2015

Place : Dago Tea House, Bandung
Time : 26-29 March 2015

Ticket Price :
- Presale :
1. Bronze : IDR 45.000
2. Silver : 60.000
3. Gold : 70.000

- On The Spot :
1. Bronze : IDR 55.000
2. Silver : 70.000
3. Gold : 80.000

For more information, visit oddisey.com or call the contact person :

Dyah : 081802576646
Gilang : 087878484045

Email : info@oddisey2015.com
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