By Adhyra Irianto
You must be read about; what is Reading Ability (Here) and what is Drama (Here) to find the connection with its. - Teaching Process by Drama as a Medium in
Increasing Reading Ability.
The planning of inserting drama in teaching English
begins with searching or making drama script that is related to standard of
competency : React or responsive
truly towards act to say: declare surprise feeling, warning, give/ask
suggestion, declare request permission, declare feeling relief, pain, pleasure,
declare feeling scared, unfold/ask opinion, satisfy or not satisfy.
The syllabus of drama must be designed and based on
communication competence, not on the competence of intrinsic aspects of drama.
Drama teaching uses communicative approach,
not grammar
translation approach, direct method, reading approach, or cognitive approach. Lecturer has
to play a role as a facilitator to facilitate the students who find the
difficulties. Lecturers provide all students the time to solve the problem. If
the lecturer can be a good facilitator, drama learning process will be
interested and full with joy. Each student also tries to do the best because
they love what they are doing. In the end, the students comprehending of the
manuscript are the key of the good performance on the stage.
In the implementation part, there are several aspects
which need to be inspected, such as:
a. Teaching materials
Teaching materials can be taken from the literature
which has been created by an author since 16th to 17th
century or afterwards. Drama which is written by England or American author can
be used, such as Waiting for Godot (Samuel
Beckett), Desire under the Elms (Eugene O’Neil), and the legendary
author, William Shakespeare who is so productive of writings like Romeo and Juliet, Julius Ceasar, Machbet,
Hamlet, and
many others. Lecturer has to choose an interesting topic to the students
in order to make the perfect learning
process with high interest level of the students.
b. Teaching procedure
Before following the course, the students have been
ordered to read the script of drama well, in order to make them ready and
understand the whole content of that drama. Teacher will ask some question
about that drama, such as characters, plot, setting, and the other aspects in a
drama. Their understanding about drama can be investigated by giving them such
a question. After that, teacher asks some student to presents a part act of
drama and invites the students to discuss about it. There is an assumption that
this phase of learning is too slow, but the fact shows that the students will feel that the time goes so fast
because they really enjoy the show. Next step is where the teacher demonstrates
language usage in drama. Language usage inside of drama is the main purpose of
this learning process. Teacher also supposed to warn the students to know the
important usage of language. The main purpose of language teaching is to guide
the students in exploring language rule and the knowledge in the written and
oral communication. The last step is to decide which drama that will be
presented. They can freely explore and use their own words but still in the
line of plot. Students are also expected to be more creative and imaginative.
The last purpose of this learning process is to produce the students who can speak
fluently and confidently. Students are also allowed to give their advices and
comments to the other students’ presentation orally.
c. Seats arrangement
Seats table in class room can arrange in suitable form
for make the communication can done easily. Teacher is not the central focus
again, but sits around the students. The arrangement of seat table can in forms
face to face, semi-circle, or full circle. Teacher also must can give a
solution for student that find hard to express the dialog after read the drama
d. Medium of instruction
All of communication in class must in English. Students
also make their self always use English, to make expressing English text
easily. It also followed by assessment that can build the good dialog in
drama based on the script. That is not in direct relating with reading ability,
but only to make a good performance of drama. [1]
In other hand, that is founded that drama very
effectively to improving many skills in use English, such as reading ability.
It is because drama manuscript is dialog text which very different with other
text. It makes student read carefully to find the meaning. Dialog text is hard
to understand than other text because that text is come from two or more
persons. It is makes other aspect, such as situation, around and emotion must
understood by students.[2]
Yusetyowati M.Pd , Penggunaan drama
dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris,(Jurusan
teknik sipil POLTEK Negeri Semarang, Semarang ,2008)
[2] Waluyo,
Herman. Drama Teori dan Pengajarannya.
(Yogyakarta : PT Hanindita Graha Widya,2003)
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